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The Ottomans developed a highly organized society with many traditions. However, the writing and publishing of ´memoirs´ was not one of them. Even the most illustrious Grand Vizier did not avail his personal diary to others for perusal (even if he ever did put them in black on white. )This is what makes Leyla (Saz) Han?mefendi´s book rather unique. She was taken into the ´Harem´ of Sultan Abdülmecid at the age of four and left Ç?ra?an Palace only to be married. She is the only woman who wrote (or rather dictated to her son) her actual experiences of life at the Ç?ra?an Palace where Sultan Abdülmecid reigned. Her references to many incidents, from the utensils used to the ladies´ Orchestra make this book interesting both to the layman and to the historian. Her great sense of propriety and admiration for the way of life she enjoyed at the Palace (despite the vigorous discipline) is another factor that makes reading these memoirs a joyfulexperience.

Osmanl?lar oldukça organize bir toplum olmalar?na kar??l?k, yaz?, ve özellikle de ´´an?´´ yazma konusunda pek çaba göstermemi?lerdir. Leyla Han?m´?n an?lar?n? benzersiz k?lan da budur. Dört ya??nda, Abdülmecid´in saray?na al?nan ve Ç?ra?an´? ancak evlenirken terkeden Leyla Han?m, Osmanl?´n?n oldukça uzun bir dönemine tan?kl?k etmi?tir.

Publisher: Hil Yayinlari

ISBN 9789757638193
Dimensions: 0