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Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil


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Until now the bulk of the literature about the veil has been written by outsiders who do not wear the veil. This literature often assumes a condescending tone about veiled women, assuming that they are making uninformed choices about veiling that makes them subservient to a patriarchal culture and religion. This book offers an alternative viewpoint, based on the thoughts and experiences of Muslim women themselves. This is the first time a clear and concise book-length argument has been made for the compatibility between veiling and modernity. Katherine Bullock uncovers positive aspects of the veil that are frequently not perceived by outsiders. Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil looks at the colonial roots of the negative Western stereotype of the veil. The author argues that in consumer capitalist cultures, women can find wearing the veil liberating from the stifling beauty game that promotes unsafe and unhealthy ideal body images for women. The book also includes an extensive bibliography on topics related to Muslim women and the veil.

Author: Bullock, Katherine
Publisher: International Institute of Islamic Thought

ISBN 9781565644328
Dimensions: 0